Monthly Instagram Photo Challenge Giveaway
Let's have some fun!
Nothing lights us up more than to see our jewelry on you and what you have done with the stones you've bought from us! So we've decided to run a monthly giveaway to do just that (and there's something in it for you, too).
This month we are giving away a gorgeous citrine drop pendant necklace valued at $26.99 (Photo above).
Winner will be announced on December 10, 2018.
Read on for the details so you can enter this month's challenge.
Instagram Photo Challenge Giveaway
Each month, we will host a special photo challenge giveaway. Here is how
to enter:
Step 1: Make sure your IG profile is public
Step 2: Follow us on Instagram @moonlotuscrystals
Step 3: Take a picture of yourself wearing your new Moon Lotus Crystals
jewelry or the stones you received from us and tag @moonlotuscrystals in the
picture and the caption
Simple as that!
Eligibility and Details
For each product you purchase, you may enter the giveaway once.
Each photo entry on Instagram will be assigned a number (up to three
pictures per customer). The winner will be selected at the beginning of each
month using a number generator.
By tagging us in the pictures, you give us permission to repost your photos on social media and to use your Instagram username in our newsletter and on social media to post the announcement.
This giveaway is open to US Residents only. Each monthly prize, which may include jewelry or stones, will be announced via the newsletter and on social media.
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