November Birthstone: Topaz and Citrine Metaphysical Properties

November Birthstone: Topaz and Citrine Metaphysical Properties

November has two birthstones which are topaz and citrine. Both stones can be helpful to those born in the month of November but in very different ways. 

Read on to learn more about these two dazzling gems and how they can aid in decreasing some of Scorpios less desirable traits and enhance the positives. 

Citrine Metaphysical Properties

Citrine is one of the birthstones for November, so it is the birthstone of Scorpios. Ruled by Pluto - the celestial body notorious for being rejected as a planet - Scorpio is associated with mystery, the unknown, and transformation. Scorpio is (in)famous for their temper, their intensity, and their lust. Scorpio relates to others and to the world primarily through emotion. This is what enables Scorpio to be so seductive, convincing, and fierce.

Citrine is known for its warmth and energy, it is an invigorating crystal and coveted for its ability to help transform words and thoughts into actions.

Raw Citrine Necklace

Citrine is synonymous with the phrase “Carpe Diem.” It has an overwhelming, positive energy and a depth for emotional healing. Citrine is also used for manifestation and is metaphysically magnetic.

Scorpio, who is prone to taking things personally, may find Citrine helpful because it can ease fear and doubt as well as reduce sensitivity to criticism. It may even protect from heartache and jealousy. Scorpio is notorious for holding grudges and Citrine helps to clear the air, promote acceptance, and aid in the process of moving on.

A creative outlet is essential for Scorpios, so they can responsibly exercise their wild imagination. Because Citrine is a stone of creativity, it is an ideal companion for artistic Scorpio.

Topaz Metaphysical Properties

The second November birthstone, Topaz, is a refreshing crystal which can revive and relieve. It can be called upon whenever there is need for a fresh take on things or to aid in the transition out of mundane or unproductive patterns and cycles.

Topaz can clear illusion, bringing about truth and a closer relationship with reality. It is often used to heal and strengthen the relationship with oneself and may increase self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-acceptance.

Topaz Bracelet

Scorpio is a sign associated with transformation, growth, and change. This sign is emblematic of the ways that our experiences over time, both good and bad, mold us into the people who we are.

Scorpio has great vision. They are perseverant and focused. They also have quite a knack for turning their fantasies into reality - for better or for worse.

Topaz is a great companion for Scorpio because of its guiding light. It may help Scorpio to see things as they truly are, rather than through the kaleidoscope of Scorpio’s emotions. Topaz can help Scorpio to focus inward and work on their personal growth and development - which is their cosmic purpose.

Additionally, Topaz is associated with trust. It may help Scorpio to see the bigger picture and more easily surrender to the higher powers in their life.


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