Crystals for Trauma Support

Posted on December 03 2023

Crystals for Trauma Support

Trauma can happen to everyone. Whether it is from your childhood, friendships, relationships, death of a loved one, or nightmare jobs, we have all experienced trauma in one form or another. Some can be much easier to move on from, but for those of us who feel stuck or still emotionally distraught from the trauma in our lives, these crystals can help ease the pain and help you move through it.

Amazonite: Amazonite is a very beneficial stone that balances energy and heal the Heart and Throat chakra. It can provide insight into both sides of a problem or different point of views while soothing and healing any emotional trauma. It helps alleviate worry, aggravation, and fear, and it can dispel negative energy. Amazonite is very helpful coping with emotional shock from traumatic experiences.

Indigo Gabbro: This stone is also known as Mystic Merlinite, and can be very supportive and grounding. It assists in releasing any karmic ties that no longer serve your highest self while aiding in releasing deep emotional and physical trauma. It can provide insight and clarity, connecting you to your highest self.


Rhodonite: Rhodonite is an emotional balancer that nurtures love and encourages the brotherhood of humanity. It promotes grounding, self-love, confidence, and balance while alleviating confusion and old emotional wounds from the past. It resonates with the Heart Chakra.

Rose Quartz: Rose Quartz is the stone of love. It connects to the Heart Chakra and opens it to all forms of love: self-love, familial love, platonic love, and romantic love. It carries and energy of compassion, peace, tenderness, healing , nourishment and comfort. It is known to heal emotional wounds, fears, and resentments making it a perfect stone for providing trauma support. 

Tourmalinated Quartz: Tourmalinated Quartz is a stone of balancing; it brings clarity and grounding while also clearing and purifying negative energy around you. This stone can also break patterns and habits, aid in shadow work, and alleviate self-sabotaging tendencies. It is a very powerful problem solver, assisting with any conflict around you.

These are the stones I recommend the most for trauma support, especially since they work to heal on the emotional, physical, and energetic level. There are some others that can be very beneficial for emotional healing and trauma support like Malachite and Moldavite, but the reason I don't recommend those stones for everyone is because they can be too strong for some people. Start small and when you feel ready for Malachite and Moldavite, they will call to you.

Use the affirmation "I am changing in positive ways. I am making peace with my past and accepting myself" while working with the stones to set the intention and manifest the healing you desire.

If you'd like to see one of our Reiki-charged Crystal Intention kits, please click here.


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