Crystals for Focus

Crystals for Focus

Some days it can be really hard to focus. Be it sleep deprivation, an argument still percolating in your mind, or too much on the to-do list that you can't do any of it at all, we often find ourselves having a hard time focusing on the task at hand.

Sometimes on those days, the best thing to do is take a break and come back at it another time. However, if you're on a deadline or can't seem to regroup your thoughts, these crystals can work wonders in organizing your thoughts and assist in focusing on what truly matters.

Amazonite: This vibrant crystal calms the mind and overactive thoughts, assisting in peace and clarity. It is a great stone for meditation, and it can be very beneficial in understanding one's inner truth.

Crystal Quartz: Quartz is a manifesting and enhancing crystal that can provide insight and clarity while assisting other crystals in their intentions.

Fluorite: This beautiful multi-colored crystal is amazing at balancing and realigning energy while also providing insight and clarity. It can help prioritize your thoughts and allow you to focus on what is most important.

Hematite: Hematite is a great crystal for concentration and grounding while harmonizing the mind, body, and spirit. It can boost willpower and assists with memory and thought.

Tiger's Eye: Tiger's Eye is a great stone to work with when you're stressed and under the pressure of a deadline. It can provide clarity and confidence in your work while also organizing and prioritizing your thoughts.


No matter which crystals you end up working with, use the affirmation "It is easy for me to focus on the task at hand" so that you can set the intention of focus and clarity into your stones and into your day.


Want to work with all of them? We have Reiki-charged Focus Crystal Intention sets available! Please click here for more details.



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