Crystals for Love

Crystals for Love

Love. It is the number one thing talked about in movies and sung about in songs. In Greek there are seven words for love highlighting familial love, romantic love, friendship, and the love of yourself.

The Heart Chakra is the center of all forms of love, and when unbalanced it is much harder to let go of the past with understanding and compassion. Past relationships and emotional trauma can keep you from accepting unconditional love and hinder your spiritual growth. 

The crystals below will help provide the love and harmony that we all desire.


Garnet: Garnet is a stone of passion, love, and devotion. It energizes and balances the chakras, supporting sexuality, commitment, and emotional harmony. It brings courage and hope in situations that may seem hopeless, and it helps dispel self-sabotaging habits and behavior. This stone opens up the heart and renews self-confidence.

Green Aventurine:  Aventurine supports the heart chakra, promoting compassion, empathy, and perseverance in all that you do. Green Aventurine is a comforting and healing stone for the heart, encouraging harmony and protecting you during trying times. It brings in emotional well being and calm.


Jade: Jade encourages you to become who you really are. It is a crystal that nurtures the heart chakra, increasing love and harmony within your life. It is believed to attract good luck and friendship. Jade releases negative thoughts, negative emotions, and helps balance dysfunctional relationships. Jade helps you channel your passion and desires in constructive ways, giving you a chance to improve in all aspects of your life, and not just in your relationships.


Malachite: Malachite is one of the most powerful healing crystals on this list. It is a protective stone, and one of transformation. When placed on the heart chakra, it brings balance and harmony, opening the heart to unconditional love. This crystal encourages change, frequently exposing what is blocking your spiritual growth. It breaks unwanted ties and old habits, showing you how to take responsibility for your actions, thoughts, and feelings. This stone supports friendship, empathy, and confidence. When placed on the solar plexus, Malachite promotes deep emotional healing, releasing all negative experiences, old traumas, and suppressed emotions so that you have more positive and pleasant relationships in the future.


Pink Tourmaline (Rubelite): Tourmaline is a powerful cleansing and protective stone, balancing the chakras and removing blockages in your life. Pink Tourmaline attracts love, and provides a safe place where it is okay to accept that love. It inspires trust in yourself and your relationships while ridding destructive feelings, emotional pain, and sexual imbalances. This stone promotes peace and relaxation within the healing energy that it provides so that you can be receptive to the best romantic relationships.


Rhodonite: Rhodonite activates the heart chakra, balancing your emotions and providing nurturing support through trying times. It is a great stone in cases of emotional self-sabotage, codependency, and abuse. It clears away long-term emotional wounds and scars of the past to bring in self-love and forgiveness. It allows you to recognize self-destructive patterns so that you can change those behaviors while remaining confident in yourself and those around you.

Rose Quartz: Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love and peace. It is the most important crystal for the heart chakra as it opens and purifies the heart at all levels, bringing in deep emotional healing and self-love. It is a calming stone that works very well in cases of trauma or crisis. Rose Quartz is a great crystal for attracting new love into your life or restoring trust and harmony in preexisting relationships. It will gently cleanse away negative emotion and energy to provide unconditional love, empathy, and acceptance of necessary change. Rose Quartz opens your heart so that you can learn self-worth and how to love yourself which is very important for attracting healthy new relationships into your life.

With any of these crystals, set your intentions with an affirmation like "I am loved, and I am open to love".

Want more information on the heart chakra? Click here! Or if you are interested in our Heart Chakra oil, feel free to click here.

We've created reiki-charged crystal intention sets with these love stones, and if you'd like to check them out, please click here!

Wishing you all the best on your journey.



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